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February Newsletter

2023 Blueberry Pines Golf Memberships

Rates for 2023 golf season were released the end of January. If you are inter-ested in a golf member-ship, but did not receive the email, please reach out to Gavin at There is an early payment discount available for Gold Memberships through the 17th of February, so don’t delay.
This announcement means spring is around the corner, even though Punxsutawney Phil feels differently and thinks we need 6 more weeks of winter since seeing his shadow…

Your Contact information

Mentioning this because I know of one homeowner who recently changed their email address, so we are just wanting to make sure that everyone continues to receive communication from the HOA, thanks!
With that being said if you do change your email or phone numbers, please let myself or Shailyn know so that we can update our records so we can communicate effectively with all of you.

Storage Building

The building is now completely framed up and the steel has arrived, so this building will continue to change in appearance.
Another friendly reminder to reserve your space, once the building is complete we will be offering the available units to the general public.
1. Size of the units will be 12’ x 20’ with a 10’ W x 8’ H overhead garage door
2. Monthly leasing costs will be $110 for homeowners

Tip of the Month

This months tip is more of a reminder to make sure that you are changing your furnace filter on a regular basis. Most guidelines recommend changing them every 90 days as a minimum recommendation, sometimes this will be less & sometimes it can be more. It completely depends on your own household, whether you have pets, the number of people in your home, the more your furnace is run, among other factors.

Homeowner Gathering

We will have a homeowners gathering at Blueberry Pines Restaurant on Febru-ary 22nd, beginning at 5:30pm. Please RSVP to Heidi by Thursday the 16th so I am able to make accurate reservations with Jeff.

Cross Country Skiing

Trails continue to be groomed for your convenience. If you see anything on the trails that is a hazard, please let me know so I can alert the appropriate people to have it taken care of.

Homes Currently For Sale

Please share with others about our great community. The best way to give cur-rent information to anyone is by directing them to our website
These homes are currently available or under construction:
Single 23—SOLD! We will have new neighbors very soon!
Single 25—SOLD! Construction will happen this winter/spring
Twin 6—Rough ins have been completed as well as insulation
Twin 8—Available for immediate possession
Twin 13 & 14—slab is poured for this twin home
There are additional sites available, but we have not currently done any work on them at this time.

Blueberry Pines Restaurant is Open for Valentines Day!!

The restaurant will be open from 5pm to 8pm and will have the following features:
Kansas City Strip—16oz bone in strip loin topped with garlic butter, seasonal veggies & one side
Coconut Shrimp—5 house breaded coconut shrimp served with Italian style rice and finished with a citrus gastrique
Dessert Sampler Plate—Raspberry swirl cheesecake bites, mini chocolate lava cake, brownie bite & chocolate dipped strawberry
Call for reservations 218-564-4653

Upcoming Community Events

St. Urho Day’s will be March 10th & 11th in Menahga
Bingo is still active at the American Legion in Park Rapids
Tamarac Wildlife Refuge is hosting movies & snowshoeing
Fondue Friday at Wine Not in Park Rapids on the 17th
More events can be found on the PR Chambers & Menahga C&C websites: and

Input & Feedback

We welcome any input, feedback or recommendations for content, in regards to the newsletter. I will always strive to provide you with quality and interesting content.
Also let us know of any recommendations, improvements, questions, et that you may have in regards to the HOA as well.
Please email, call or text, thank you, Heidi

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