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April Newsletter

Homeowner Golf Carts

This may feel a little pre-emptive with the snow on the ground and the influx of snow we are “supposed” to receive this next week. We will begin the process of getting carts ready for our homeowners, if you had a cart last year, but do not want one this year please reach out to let us know.
Gavin will coordinate the pick up/delivery of your carts as deemed ready by the weather & course opening, please reach out to him at to coordinate.
Leasing cost for the 2023 season will be $2,000.


We all hope that spring is coming!! March came like a lion & left like a lion as well, definitely wasn’t like the lamb as we all had hoped.
With the expected spring weather, just wanted to remind you that if you want your home sprayed for spiders or ants to reach out to Plunkett’s to get your home on their list.
Please reach out to them at 877-571-7100 to schedule a date & time.

Storage Building

All interior walls are complete! Garage doors will be going in very soon.
Another friendly reminder to reserve your space, once the building is complete we will be offering the available units to the general public.
1. Size of the units will be 12’ x 20’ with a 10’ W x 8’ H overhead garage door
2. Monthly leasing costs will be $110 for homeowners

Tip of the Month

This is tip is from Rigel’s (our appliance supplier) via Steve Hess.
Have you ever wondered what type of detergent you should be using in your dishwasher? I’ve always just purchased Cascade liquid detergent, but recently Steve was told to use pods. So I did a little research myself out of curiosity and on the Whirpool website it does recommend tablets or packs as they have been proven to work better than powder, liquid or gel and for convenience & im-proved performance. Always place detergents in the main compartment and slide the lid closed.

Homes Currently For Sale

Please share with others about our great community. The best way to give current information to anyone is by directing them to Heidi at 218-255-2878.
Our website is currently under construction, we will have it up & running again as soon as possible.
These homes are currently available or under construction:
Single 25—SOLD! Construction being in April
Twin 5—Available for immediate possession
Twin 6—Sheetrocking is complete
Twin 8—Available for immediate possession
Twin 13 & 14—slab is poured for this twin home
There are additional sites available, but we have not currently done any work on them at this time.

Upcoming Community Events

Headwaters Center for Lifelong Learning events are Tuesdays at the Armory Arts & Events Center in Park Rapids from 1pm to 2:30pm
– April 4th: Brita Sailer, what, why and how of recycling
– April 11th: Magic of the Snowy Owl
– April 18th: Jerry Mevissen, restoring an old schoolhouse
April 1: 11:30-2— Sip & Shop Spring Fashion Show at Wine Not
April 13th from 4-7pm or the 15th from 9am-12: Spring Hanging Basket planting at Flying W Gardens cost is $40—contact Flying @ to register237-6600
April 29 9:30-11: Spring Migration, Headwaters Birding walk at Itasc State Park
More details on the events above and additional events can be found on the PR Chambers & Menahga C&C websites: and
We also have access to some great community education opportunities through Park Rapids Area Community Education at and Menahga Community Education at

Homeowner Gathering

We will do another gathering at the restaurant for homeowners as our quarterly gathering probably in May. I will keep you posted as I try to coordinate a date.

Golf Season

As a reminder, we live on an active golf course, be aware that there will be stray golf balls.

Home Punch List

If you have any outstanding punch list items from when you closed on your home that has not been completed please reach out & let us know.
Input &

Input & Feedback

We welcome any input, feedback or recommendations for content, in regards to the newsletter. I will always strive to provide you with quality and interesting content.
Also let us know of any recommendations, improvements, questions, et that you may have in regards to the HOA as well.
Please email, call or text, thank you, Heidi

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